Jessica Nicole is the name behind JNDS Creates. She is an amazing self-taught artist who has been honing her skills in various art styles for more than a decade. She has dabbled in fantasy, illustration, sculpture, landscapes, and animals, and loves to showcase her versatility as a generalist artist. Nicole finds joy in creating art for others and her mediums of choice include watercolor, ink, oil pastel, and clay.

Her journey as an artist started at a young age and althrough she quit making art after highschool she picked it up again with the intent to create stories and beautiful art to share with people around her. Now Nicole spends her time creating as often as possible.

Nicole is a Canadian who enjoys her quiet life on the prairies and tends to be a private person despite being quite active online. Her prairie life has helped shape the kind of art she makes. In her local community she has helped many pet owners remember their furry friends though memorial paintings.

Meet The Team

No artist does it alone, Here are the team members of JNDS Creates.


  • Certified Good Boy
  • Moral Support
  • Master of Fetch


  • Official Seat Warmer
  • Caster of Judgment
  • Pro Snuggler


  • Director of Chaos
  • Biggest Purr
  • Genuine Dingleberry

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